Parent Support
We run a range of free parent/guardian sessions annually to support our parents with the challenges and triumphs of parenting teenagers. These include evidence-based programs facilitated by our School Psychologist (e.g., Triple P Fear-Less and Teen Seminar Series) and other topical issues (e.g., Vaping, digital well-being) facilitated by guest presenters.
For more information:
Student Support
Our Student Services team works dynamically and holistically to support the needs of all young people at ASHS. We host a five-day-a-week breakfast club, run break-time clubs, and facilitate social-emotional (e.g., BRAVE) and engagement programmes for small groups of students to enhance mental health and well-being. We have access to onsite and community-based mentoring, mental health assessment, and counselling options for students who would benefit from more individualised support. We have strong relationships with all agencies within our community and utilise a case management approach to addressing the needs of our young people. Our Student Services team consists of Program Coordinators of Student Services, Learning Support Coordinators, Student Support Officers, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers, Education Assistants, School Psychologist, Health Nurse, and Chaplain.
Be you
At Albany Senior High School, we believe that student and staff well-being is one of our biggest priorities and that to work to the best of our ability, we must keep mentally healthy. ASHS uses the nationally recognised BeYou framework to create a positive and supportive learning environment for our students. Implementing the BeYou framework is guided by our BeYou committee, represented by cross-curricular staff, parents/guardians, students, and headspace representation.
For more information:
Friendly Schools Plus
Our Year 7, 8, and 9 students participate in the Friendly Schools Plus Program. Friendly Schools Plus is an evidence-based approach to promoting social and emotional well-being and reducing bullying at school. This program teaches students how to manage emotions, build relationships, and make healthy choices.
For more information:
Teen Mental Health First Aid
Year 7 and 10 students participate in Teen Mental Health First Aid (TMHFA). Through participating in this evidence-based course, students learn how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health problems in their peers, including linking them to safe and trusted adults. Students obtain a certificate at the end of this course, which can be used on their resume.
For more information:
@ 2023 Albany Senior High School